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Renting or Purchase?


881Home offers either straight rentals or homes/Lots with direct seller financing.


Like most landlords we will be taking a credit application that will key in on the following items in paticular:

  • Credit score

  • Household income

  • Amount of down payment

  • Ability to pay tied to combined household incomes

*  Due to the housing bust and recession, we are no longer offering Rent 2 Owns.  


Q:  What are the terms of my Lease agreement?


A. We offer a standard 12 or in some cases 24-month Lease terms.  For a sample lease, feel free to stop by our offices when you start your application.


Q. How do I go about acquiring conventional financing?

A. We do have a list of lenders and mortgage companies that have worked with our clients in the past available in our office.  A google search for a broker in your area has worked well previously.

Q. What if I can't make all of a house payment when due?

A. 881HOME may grant you an extension provided we receive written proof of the hardship you are experiencing i.e. job cutback/layoff; injury or death in family; unpaid receivables......


Q. What if I have already paid the downpayment and made monthly payments, then later decide to stop?

A.  We understand things Happen!  In almost all cases we have found mutually beneficial closing of an account like this.  Please follow our steps below re. conflicts.

Q. What does 'Freshly Remodeled' mean?

A. Our homes come to us from many sources, and once our team has done their work, they come with fresh paint, tile and grout, cabinets, light fixtures, landscaping, and many other custom touches. Our team of remodelers have many collective years of experience putting new life into desert homes. In this way, we ensure that all homes meet or exceed our standards for quality housing.

Q.   Do you accept trade-ins?
A. We will look at all properties presented for trade-in, evaluate the current market value and the equity you have in the home. Each proposed trade in is carefully examined to determine a fair, but wholesale trade equity.  We also have accepted cars, trucks, R.V., land, and other investments.

Q.  How much will I owe in monthly rent?
A.   Monthly payments vary according to the price of the home selected. In almost all cases the monthly rental amount is directly related to the value of the home as well as what comparable homes are renting with option for.


Q.  What will be my monthly loan payments, as a Buyer?
A.  Please allow 24-48 hours after you've submitted your credit application for us to offer you loan terms.  All our loans will include a portion going to interest; taxes; and insurance.  


Q.  What is your policy on conflict resolution?
A. Bear in mind that if for some reason one of our accounts is experiencing some form of conflict, this matter is of utmost importance to us and we are all working feverishly to get it resolved!  Unfortunately, not all issues have a timely resolution and if a dispute should arise which goes unresolved longer than you expected, please follow these instructions:

  • Make an appointment with our manager on duty to attempt to resolve the point(s) of conflict directly.  Bring along your receipts/documentation.

  • If we are unable to resolve your situation, please feel free to contact the local BBB. 

  • If for some reason that channel fails, our agreements call for us using a local Arbitrator who is trained and experienced in helping businesses and consumers resolve their points of conflict.*  We maintain a strict policy of privacy, so any use of 3rd party websites, online postings, or anonymous postings may be ignored.





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